Poster Presentation Australasian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Current GDM Diagnostic Criteria Patient Characteristics and Outcomes: A Single Centre Eight Year Review (#11)

Jeff R Flack 1 2 3 , Quynh Le 1 , Stephanie Terry 1 , Natasha Diwakar 1 , Wenjie Wang 1 , Cunjing Li 1 , Tang Wong 1 2 3
  1. Diabetes Centre, Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital, Bankstown, NSW, Australia
  2. School of Medicine, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  3. Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of NSW, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA


We have maintained a Diabetes Pregnancy Database of prospectively collected demographic and outcome data in a high Gestational Diabetes (GDM) risk patient cohort for many years.


To examine the characteristics and outcomes of our patients diagnosed by ADIPS 2014 GDM criteria.


We analysed de-identified demographic and outcome data from all GDM pregnancies (Mar2016-Mar2024) where birth outcome data were available. All women received appropriate education from a Dietitian and a Diabetes Educator, undertook Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose QID, were reviewed by our Multi-Disciplinary Team including Endocrinologists weekly/fortnightly, and received insulin if treatment targets were not met (FBGL<5.3mmol/L, 1hrBGL<7.4, 2hrBGL<7.0). Metformin was not used. Amongst the singleton pregnancies, characteristics assessed included relevant demographic, clinical and laboratory findings and outcomes assessed included insulin use, caesarean section, early delivery (<37weeks), large for gestational age (LGA) (>90th percentile), small for gestational age (SGA) (<10th percentile), neonatal hypoglycaemia (<2.6mmol/L) and neonatal jaundice (requiring phototherapy). Data on breastfeeding were available for 74% of these women (see Table).


Over eight years, there were 3250 GDM pregnancies: 14 miscarriages, 13 stillbirths, 52 twin and 3171 singleton births, with characteristics/outcomes of the latter shown in the Table. Three quarters were non-European and there were similar percentages of women across four major ethnicity groups, representing 92.9% of the cohort. Almost one quarter were primigravida and the mean gestational age at diagnosis was 23.6±5.9 weeks. Mean pre-pregnancy BMI, (based on self-reported weight) was 27.1±6.1 kg/m2, with over 58% overweight or obese. Early delivery occurred in 6.5%, with over a third delivered by caesarean section (42.4% emergency). Breastfeeding rate on discharge was 88.9%. The LGA rate was 12.5%.



Singleton GDM Births

mean±SD or n(%)




Maternal Age (years)


Gestational Age at diagnosis (weeks)







776 (24.5)

Grand multiparity (>5)

97 (3.0)

Middle Eastern ethnicity

798 (25.2)

European ethnicity

777 (24.5)

East/Southeast Asian ethnicity

727 (22.9)

South Asian ethnicity

645 (20.3)

Other ethnicities

224 (7.1)

OGTT fasting (mmol/L)


OGTT 1-hour (mmol/L)


OGTT 2-hour (mmol/L)


HbA1c (%)


Pre-pregnancy Maternal BMI (kg/m2)


Underweight (<18.5kg/m2)

93 (2.9)

Healthy Weight (18.5-24.9kg/m2)

1228 (38.7)

Overweight (25.0-29.9kg/m2)

988 (31.2)

Obese (>30.0kg/m2)

862 (27.2)

Total Gestational Weight Gain (kg)




Insulin Use

1509 (47.6)

Maximum Total Insulin Dose


Caesarean Section

1136 (35.8)

Planned/Emergency Caesarean (%)

(57.6 / 42.4)

Early Delivery

207 (6.5)


395 (12.5)


251 (7.9)

Neonatal Hypoglycaemia

339 (10.7)

Neonatal Jaundice

179 (5.6)

Breast Feeding at discharge (of n=2354)

2092 (88.9)


Amongst our multicultural GDM patient cohort, nearly 60% were overweight or obese. Almost half the women required insulin therapy to attain LGA rates similar to those of the background 10% risk in non-GDM cohorts.